
Dear Friend of the Clover Hill community,
The Clover Hill Civic Association (CHCA) would like to extend an invitation to you and your business to become a sponsor.  You may choose what area of CHCA you would like your monetary contribution to be put towards:
1. CHCA: Capital improvement project for the use, enjoyment, and benefit of the Clover Hill community. 
2. Baseball: Field maintenance, umpire fees, uniforms, equipment & trophies.
3. Basketball:
4. Swim: 
Please add which area of CHCA you would like ot sponsor in the comment section of the form below. Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to welcoming you as a proud sponsor of the Clover Hill Civic Association. 
Any donation amount is greatly appreciated!  Please make checks payable to Clover Hill Civic Association (CHCA) and add the program that you would like your funds to go toward (CHCA, Baseball, Baseball, Basketball, Swim) followed by  "sponsor" in the subject line.  Mail checks to CHCA, P.O. Box 1429, Frederick, MD 21702.
LEVEL 3 - Building Community - $100.00 - $324.00
  • WEBSITE: Name or Business listed as a CHCA Sponsor on website
LEVEL 2 - Pride in Community - $325.00 - $499.00
  • WEBSITE: Name or Business will be listed as a sponsor on our website, and will have a link from our website to yours
  • BANNER: Banner bearing your business logo will be displayed on the CHCA baseball field fence
LEVEL 1 - Strength in Community - $500.00 or More
  • WEBSITE: Name or Business will be listed as a sponsor on our website, and will have a link from our website to yours
  • BANNER: Banner bearing your business logo will be displayed on the CHCA baseball field fence OR Uniform Logo for Baseball
  • NEWSLETTER:  Business card will be included in our newsletter, The Clarion, which is published quarterly and distributed via email (print by request) to over 1,000 addresses in Clover Hill.

Thank your for sponsoring CHCA! Please make checks payable to Clover Hill Civic Association (CHCA) and add the program that you would like your funds to go toward (CHCA, Baseball, Baseball, Basketball, Swim) followed by  "sponsor" in the subject line.
Mail checks to:
P.O. Box 1429
Frederick, MD 21702
Please contact manager@cloverhill.org with any questions.

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