Dear New Homeowner,
On behalf of the Association's Board of Directors and all of our homeowners, we welcome you to our community. Over the coming months we look forward to meeting you, whether it be at a community activity, walking down the streets or while enjoying our beautiful private park!
Please take a few minutes to visit and familiarize yourself with our website where you will find answers to most of the questions homeowners have. Information including calendars of upcoming activities and events, announcements, Association documents and bylaws, architectural review forms, and volunteer committee information are all at your fingertips here.
Our Community Manager, Alexandra Williams, can be reached by email at to address any questions about our association and our community. If email isn't convenient, please leave a voicemail at 301-228-2799.
Again, a very warm welcome to the Clover Hill community. We know you will find this neighborhood is a great place to live and we welcome your participation in sustaining our wonderful amenities and taking part in our activities and functions.
There is Strength in Community!
CHCA President
Architectural Covenants
As a new homeowner, you may already have some ideas about making improvements your property. Modifications to the exterior of your home and property must be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for approval before any work begins.
All homes in Clover Hill, regardless of Association membership, are required to follow the neighborhood's architectural covenants and guidelines. Please click here to visit the ARC page for details.
Association Membership
The operation of Clover Hill as a community is governed by a board of volunteer directors for the Clover Hill Civic Association (CHCA). While our name carries the title “Civic Association", CHCA operates just as any other Home Owners Association (HOA) and is governed by Maryland HOA law. Currently, 704 of the 1,045 homes are Association members. Come get involved; meet your neighbors and make lasting friendships all while helping to preserve our community's property values!
Please click here to visit the CHCA/HOA tab for details.
Association Assessments
The 2023 annual Association membership assessment of $325 pays for the part-time community manager, part-time administrative assistant and the financial management services provided by PMP, Inc (Property Management People). In addition, the nominal assessment fee funds the operations portion of our budget which pays for the day-to-day operations of the organization by the community manager and also the maintenance of the common amenities which include the park, pool, clubhouse and pavilion. Furthermore, the Association membership includes the community pool and participation in Clover Hill sports teams at a reduced rate. Only Association members can rent the clubhouse and pavilion. Last but not least, members also receive a quarterly newsletter and have the option to be added to the email distribution list for up to date community information.
Members may also elect trash and yard waste services at a highly discounted rate. The optional trash and yard waste service portion of the assessment is only available to Association members. An annual fee of $205 pays for twice-weekly trash collection, twice-yearly bulk-trash collection, seasonal yard-waste pick-up, and Christmas tree pick-up weekly on the first three Mondays in January.