All questions should be addressed to Brandon Henderson, Project Manager for the Christoper Crossing Expansion Project.
Brandon Henderson
Project Manager
Ph: 301-600-3569
Frederick County Division of Public Works
Office of Transportation Engineering
355 Montevue Lane, Suite 200
Frederick, MD 21702-8213
Reply from County (August 2020):
Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding pedestrians crossing Christopher's Crossing in the Clover Hill neighborhood.
At this time there are no pedestrian accommodations on Christopher's Crossing or the intersecting streets in the Clover Hill neighborhood. The County’s capital improvement project will address this by installing a sidewalk or path on each side of Christopher's Crossing, and crossings at the intersections with Yellow Springs Road, Stone Ridge Drive, Glen Heather Drive, and Jordan Valley Way/Walter Martz Road.
As an interim improvement, the County will consider installing painted pavement markings and additional pedestrian warning signs on Christopher's Crossing at Stone Ridge Drive and Glen Heather Drive. The pavement markings will establish a legal crosswalk, which will require on-coming motorists to stop for pedestrians that are within the crosswalk on the same side of the road as the motorist. Pedestrians will be expected to exercise care when initiating a crossing, to make sure that the on-coming vehicle is able to see them and come to a complete stop.
Please be aware that, when traveling along roads that do not have sidewalks, pedestrians are expected to walk on the left side of the road facing on-coming traffic.
If you have any questions regarding this matter I can be reached at (301) 600-2930, or at
David Olney
Engineering Supervisor
Traffic and Permit Section
Department of Engineering and Construction Management
Division of Public Works
355 Montevue Lane
Frederick, Maryland 21702
phone: (301) 600-2930
fax: (301) 600-3517